The following RSMinerve objects are currently implemented in
- Station
- Source
- Kinematic
- Junction
- HBV92
- Comparator
The parameters for these objects are described in the RS Minerve User Manual available from the CREALP website. The format of the parameter file is described below:
An example parameter file looks like the following:
RS MINERVE - Parameters
Version - vendredi 7 août 2015 09:20
Model: Z:\MEDIA\CREALP\Projets\64002-Mandat Laguna513 (Perou)\12 Formation RSM\Formation Linea de comando\Examples\Model.rsm
Description: Model
Comparator 1
Junction 3
Kinematic 2
Source 1
Station 4
Comparator Zone
Comparador A
GSM Zone A (m2) An (mm/°C/day) ThetaCri (-) bp (d/mm) Tcp1 (°C) Tcp2 (°C) Tcf (°C) Agl (mm/°C/day) Tcg (°C) Kgl (1/d) Ksn (1/d)
GSM 1 A 28267674 7 0.1 0.0125 0 4 0 3 0 0.8 0.3
Junction Zone
Confluencia A A
Confluencia B A
Desembocadura A
Kinematic Zone L (m) B0 (m) m (-) J0 (-) K (m1/3/s) N (-)
Río B A 7558 4 1 0.0004 30 1
Rio A A 6565 5 1 0.0001 30 1
SOCONT Zone A (m2) An (mm/°C/day) ThetaCri (-) bp (d/mm) Tcp1 (°C) Tcp2 (°C) Tcf (°C) HGR3Max (m) KGR3 (1/s) L (m) J0 (-) Kr (m1/3/s)
SOCONT 1 A 48302423 8 0.1 0.0125 0 4 0 0.8 0.001 2500 0.01 2
SOCONT 2 A 38025778 8 0.1 0.0125 0 4 0 1 0.001 1500 0.01 2
SOCONT 3 A 52640259 8 0.1 0.0125 0 4 0 1 0.001 2000 0.01 3
Source Zone
Fuente A
Station Zone X (m) Y (m) Z (masl) Search Radius (m) No. min. of stations (-) Gradient P (m/s/m) Gradient T (C/m) Gradient ETP (m/s/m) Coeff P (-) Coeff T (-) Coeff ETP (-)
Estacion GSM 1 A 606636 108339 3025 10000 1 0 -0.0065 0 1 0 1
Estacion SOCONT 1 A 601667 107380 2889 10000 1 0 -0.0065 0 1 0 1
Estacion SOCONT 2 A 606291 101382 2406 10000 1 0 -0.0065 0 1 0 1
Estacion SOCONT 3 A 605067 95762 1947 10000 1 0 -0.0065 0 1 0 1
It includes 5 header lines describing the model. These are followed by a header OBJECTS which gives a list of the RS Minerve objects implemented in the model and the number of the objects. For each of the objects under OBJECTS, the parameter values are given under VALUES. Each object type is thereby preceded by a line describing the parameter names and units.
Note that the units of the parameters in the parameter files do not always correspond to the units of the parameters in the RS MInerve user interface.
These objects contain only one parameter: the zone they are allocated to. Zone is parsed as a character string.
The GSM parameters are: Zone, A (m2), An (mm/°C/day), ThetaCri (-),
bp (d/mm), Tcp1 (°C), Tcp2 (°C), Tcf (°C), Agl (mm/°C/day), Tcg (°C),
Kgl (1/d), Ksn (1/d).
In RSMinerveR, the round brackets are replaced by [] and °C is replaced
by deg C.
Note that Zone is parsed as character and the other parameters as
The HBV92 parameters are: Zone, A (m2), CFMax (mm/°C/d), CFR (-), CWH
(-), TT (°C), TTInt (°C), TTSM (°C), Beta (-), FC (mm), PWP (-), SUMax
(mm), Kr (1/d), Ku (1/d), Kl (1/d), Kperc (1/d).
In RSMinerveR, the round brackets are replaced by [] and °C is replaced
by deg C.
Note that Zone is parsed as character and the other parameters as
The SOCONT parameters are: Zone, A (m2), An (mm/°C/day), ThetaCri
(-), bp (d/mm), Tcp1 (°C), Tcp2 (°C), Tcf (°C), HGR3Max (m), KGR3 (1/s),
L (m), J0 (-), Kr (m1/3/s).
In RSMinerveR, the round brackets are replaced by [] and °C is replaced
by deg C.
Note that Zone is parsed as character and the other parameters as
The Kinematic wave parameters are Zone, L (m), B0 (m), m (-), J0 (-),
K (m1/3/s), N (-).
In RSMinerveR, the round brackets are replaced by [].
Note that Zone is parsed as character and the other parameters as
The Station parameters are Zone, X (m), Y (m), Z (masl), Search
Radius (m), No. min. of stations (-), Gradient P (m/s/m), Gradient T
(C/m), Gradient ETP (m/s/m), Coeff P (-), Coeff T (-), Coeff ETP
In RSMinerveR, the round brackets are replaced by [] and °C is replaced
by deg C.
Note that Zone is parsed as character and the other parameters as